Happy Saturday, everyone! Can you believe June is almost over? That means this will be my last Soulful Saturday of the month! Amazing! Today, my topic is going to be all about happiness. What makes me happy, what I’m grateful for, and, most importantly, what happiness as a word means to me. And yes, I…
Month: June 2019
Throwback Thursday: Forums
Hey guys, and welcome back to another Throwback Thursday! Today, I’m going to be talking about forums- you know, message boards? Those things now mostly used to roleplay? If you still don’t know what I’m talking about, you should probably look at some of the ones on my Sites to See page- they’re fun! You…
Topical Tuesday: My Identity
Good afternoon, my friends, and welcome back to another Topical Tuesday. I had to do some snooping around for ideas for today to be honest, but that list on PopSugar saved me again. In the end, I’ve decided to talk about identity- my identity. The way I see myself, and the way I want to…
Soulful Saturday: Addiction
Welcome to another Soulful Saturday, everyone! Today, I’m going to talk about something very deep in my opinion: addiction. You see, addiction has played a part in a lot of my life. I both suffer from it and have seen it rip my family apart. In no way do I intend to endorse any form…
Throwback Thursday: Prankster
Hello everyone! You know what today is, right? It’s the day we (well, I) reminisce about the past… And what better subject is there than the ways we torture or taunt people as children? I may have gotten a hate letter saying I was too much of a goodie two shoes, but even I made…
Topical Tuesday: CampNaNo
Hello everyone, and welcome to Topical Tuesday! Today, my topic is actually more of a status update on my life: I’m officially taking part in CampNaNoWriMo next month! If you don’t know what CampNaNo or NaNoWriMo are in general, NaNoWriMo is an event each November that pushes you to write a novel of 50,000 words…
Unplanned Update: Reviews!
Hey guys! Jaluna here (obviously). Today, I’d like to talk to you a quick moment about a new feature I intend to add to my blog. If you read the title, you probably already get where this is going but… I’m going to be doing reviews! I intend to review manga and video games no…
Soulful Saturday: Dad and Pride
Good afternoon, and welcome back to Soulful Saturday! Today, I’m going to be getting pretty deep. I’m going to be talking about two things that are important to me and are getting celebrated this month: the LGBTQIA+ community and fathers. Before I get into the nitty gritty, first let me come out bluntly and tell…
Throwback Thursday: Health Month of Hell
Good afternoon, friends! Today’s Throwback Thursday is inspired by my recent decline in health due to medicine I’ve been on running me ragged. Rather than one memory, I plan today to share with you memories of a short period of time, a time going back all the way to my middle school years. That year,…
Topical Tuesday: Goals
Hey there everybody! It’s Topical Tuesday, so it’s time for some light-hearted conversation… about goals. I know, I know. Goals aren’t light-hearted in the long run- but it’s a topic I deem worthy anyway. After all, I’m just telling you some of mine. I’ll tell you just a bit, I swear- just some of the…