I’ve been gone a long while and found my site covered in dust. But dust will be no more! I have returned, and am going to be cleaning up this site, organizing things, and making it more streamlined. So, over the next few days, you’ll see a lot of changes.
I’ve taken down a couple pages because I need to do heavy work on them and/or am debating keeping them. I’ve made some new graphics, such as the header, and I’ve made myself a schedule for posting. The schedule will be as follows:
TUESDAY: ‘Topical Tuesdays” will be all about my writing and life in a light-hearted way. It won’t get too deep into the darker things that happen day to day, and will hopefully have some feel good stories to share.
THURSDAYS: “Throwback Thursdays” will have me sharing my memories, old works, and things of that nature. It’ll be a look into my past, and have me wishing for a better future.
SATURDAYS: “Soul Saturdays” will be a deep dive into my writing and life, looking at the raw and sometimes dark parts of my mind. I’ll be talking mental health, coping skills, how the darker things affect my writing, etc. I’ll make sure to include trigger warnings at the top of any posts these days, just to be safe.
Along with this schedule, I’ll be editing the Sites To See page to be cleaner and more recent links only. I’ll also be debating continuing to have an excerpt page or one for my works in progress.
Have an opinion? Comment and tell me what you think!