Hihi! How’s it going, guys? It’s time to wrap up another week. In the game dev world, a lot is going on right now. BostonFIG is next week, so I’m working on my presentation for that. I have done some actual game development as well though. I ended up making a new project (of the…
Tag: planning
The New Schedule
Hihi! How’s it going, guys? Welcome to a very special blog post. Today, you see, I have an exciting announcement: For the next six weeks, I will be having a guest blog each week! And, to add to this, I’ll be guest blogging on their blogs as well! Because I wanted to keep things neat…
More Printables?
Hihi! How’s it going, guys? I know I haven’t written much, but I haven’t had much to write quite honestly. But, as my mind spirals between various projects, one of my newest loves has been making planner printables using Microsoft Word. No, my printables aren’t particularly special… But I enjoyed working on them, and wanted…
NaNo Special: World Building
It’s that time again today. That’s right- it’s time for a NaNo Special! Today, I felt like talking about something I worked on for a good chunk of September and October in preparation for this year’s NaNo: world building. It’s a difficult and tedious task depending on how you go about it, but in my…
Topical Tuesday: My Planner
Howdy folks! It’s the last week of October already- that’s both amazing and a bit intimidating, don’t you think? But with a new month in tow, I have plans this week to reorganize my planner. I’d like to share my planner experience with you. I’ve never been an organized person. I’m lazy and a clutter…
Soulful Saturday: Journals
Good day to you, my lovely readers. I hope your Saturday isn’t as blistering hot as mine is! Summer has indeed arrived in my mind now, and I have many ventures afoot. However, that’s not what we’re here to talk about today- today is a day to dig deep in my soul. To that end,…
Topical Tuesday: Goals
Hey there everybody! It’s Topical Tuesday, so it’s time for some light-hearted conversation… about goals. I know, I know. Goals aren’t light-hearted in the long run- but it’s a topic I deem worthy anyway. After all, I’m just telling you some of mine. I’ll tell you just a bit, I swear- just some of the…
I’ve been gone a long while and found my site covered in dust. But dust will be no more! I have returned, and am going to be cleaning up this site, organizing things, and making it more streamlined. So, over the next few days, you’ll see a lot of changes. I’ve taken down a couple…