Hihi! How’s it going, guys? Wow, it’s been a hot minute since I talked to you all. This month has been wild, I tell ya! For starters, it was Camp NaNoWriMo- meaning I put all projects aside except for one or two for the month to focus on writing. I specifically was trying to focus…
Tag: projects
Yet More Projects to Come
So I was working on game dev for Ramzowa, as I have been for a while now… And of course, my brain suddenly decided, “Now that we know more advanced techniques, let’s work on yet another game based on one of our stories!” On the bright side, it’s one of the stories I have more…
Too Many Projects
Topical Tuesday: NaNo is Over! Time for Project Updates!
Hey everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve written a post, hasn’t it? And I mean actually written a post. It may be the last day of November when I’m writing this, but I have so much to share from the past month that I’m not sure of where to start. Well, for one thing,…
Topical Tuesday: Widespread
Hey everyone, welcome back! Did you have a good weekend? I spent the weekend doing all sorts of things, including fight the blahs. But actually, that’s what I want to talk about today. No, not the blahs- though those do deserve a post, maybe Saturday. No, today I want to talk about how varied my…