So for the past few days, I have had no internet available to me. I don’t know what happened, but it just…wasn’t around? I use internet generously supplied by a neighbor. If they lose it, I lose it. It took until late this evening to get it back. All I could do in the meantime…
Month: March 2017
Tons of Updates and 101 Challenge 7
Today is a day full of updates. Not much to write about in regards to writing today, however…But I’ll likely be writing a lot of poems today. I just have an itch for it. However, that’s neither here or there. Today’s post is all about updates and the daily challenge! Site Updates I’ve done a…
Camping at Work and 101 Challenge 6
For those of you who have no clue about it, NaNoWriMo is a yearly event that takes place in November. It’s a writing challenge where you take the month to write a story with the goal of reaching 50,000 words before the month ends. It can takeĀ a lot of work, but I’ve been taking part…
Making Maps and 101 Challenge 5
With the idea of making a snapple-cap fact list for myself of my inner universe, I began trying to map things out…And with the first world I tried to map, I realized I can’t draw a map to save my life so far. For now, I’ve made a cruddy little thing in paint…But I’ve found…
Snapple Cap Concept and 101 Challenge 4
I drink a lot of snapple as of late and I happen to particularly love the bottles with the old-style caps that have little facts on them. As I was reading my snapple cap today, it made me think about something… Wouldn’t this be a good method of world development? I still have a lot…
WIP WIP Page and 101 Challenge 3
I finally started working on the page for my Works in Progress today, slowly. Since it’s not actually finished by a long shot (I added banner buttons this time for separation, but it’ll take a while to make each page…and update all the info…) I’m not going to bother considering this segment a ‘site update’….
Worrying About Characters + 101 Challenge 2
I’ve been roleplaying my characters for the past day or so with a friend who is using her’s from her WIP with me. Mine, also being from my WIP, are becoming more vivid for me…And more worrying. I have two main characters: Haruka (who is a very complicated person I’ll talk about later in the…
Getting In The Habit + 101 Challenge 1
I have lots of habits to get into, both as a person and a writer…But at least for now, this is meant to be a writing blog. So, I’m going to share some of my habits I’m trying to make in my writing life. I want to get into the habit of posting in this…
A Nifty New Banner and Research
Today I haven’t done much, but I did start doing more work on the site. I’m sure the moment you looked, you saw that I’d made a banner for myself. I learned during uploading that I didn’t have to go as crazy as I did trying to size it, because I can crop it through…
First Post of Many
Greetings, everyone! I’m Jaluna Rolik, an author, poet and editor. This site was made with a two-fold purpose: to use as a blog, sharing my day to day ups and downs as a writer and a person…and to share my writing and more about it in general! I also have a contact form over on…