Hihi! How’s it going, guys?
Wow, it’s been a hot minute since I talked to you all. This month has been wild, I tell ya! For starters, it was Camp NaNoWriMo- meaning I put all projects aside except for one or two for the month to focus on writing. I specifically was trying to focus on rewriting Dragon Bride. It’s coming along well, but I hit a rut partway through the month… So I started working on The Cursed Life of Nuru Caldwel (a title I’m very aware needs much work). I’ll tell you about both projects a little later. First, I want to tell you some work updates, as well as my plans for May.
I currently have three clients. For Xyphien LLC, I’ll be working as an editor and potential writer for their newest project, Medieval Sim. I’m also now the writer for an avatar community forum called Lasria. Finally, if you’ve never heard of Sprout Valley (Kickstarter can be found here!)… It’s a game I’m seriously looking forward to, and have the honor to write for.
Looking at May, I plan to continue working on these three projects to the best of my ability. They’re not just jobs- they’re passions! But, I’ll also be spending a lot more time on game development than personal writing this coming month, as honestly? I’m kind of worn out!
My goal is to focus on Magical Mayhem, but I may work on other game projects as I see fit. A goal of mine is to update you weekly on things I’ve been up to with makeshift devlogs, screenshots, and more. I haven’t done any comics in a while, and I’m sorry for that. I just can’t think of many lately. I hope that changes too! I’ll also update you on my life and on random things I think might be helpful to you… So stay tuned! I have lots of content ideas to share!!!
Now, back to the projects I’ve been working on in the writing verse. First off is Dragon Bride. Though I only wrote about 15k, that is pretty damn good with a goal of 20k words! Considering I also wrote 5,000 words of the first book in the Nuru Caldwel series, I’d say I won Camp, even if unofficially so.
Another project I plan to work on when I do write is Play or Die, and maybe Normal Syndrome. I’m not quite sure which of these four writing projects will take priority (Okay, it’s Nuru- let’s face it, I’m a sucker for torturing the poor soul). But, these are the four I think will take the most of my writing time, when I’m not doing work or game development stuff. I still want to write every day… But we’ll see how it goes!
In other news… My real life is getting a little exciting. I have a date next week! Since it’s on Saturday, and I’m gonna try to update you on Sundays (even if it’s just a paragraph a week sometiems!)… Well, you’ll probably hear about it next week.
Well, that’s all for now, folks. I have even more exciting news to share, but it can wait another week. See you next Sunday! Bye bye!